The IncrEdible Earth

Hair Color Problems
Even decades ago European regulators were banning 22 hair dye chemicals as part of a safety investigation by a study linking dyes to bladder cancer. One of those questionable ingredients is p-phenylenediamine (PPD), found in many permanent hair colors. Mary Beth Janssen, author of Naturally Healthy Hair, says PPD is the cause of most allergic reactions to hair dye and that it has been linked to cancer. Women who used permanent hair dyes regularly (at least once a month) for 15 years or more, were found to be three times as likely as women who didn't dye their hair, to develop bladder cancer. Even back in 1991 a study found that hairstylists had triple the risk of developing breast cancer when they worked with hair dyes of any sort for five years or more. People who used dark hair dye for two decades or more had a four times greater risk of dying from two cancers of the immune system, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and multiple myeloma (bone marrow tumor).
A study published in the January 2004 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology had found a link between long-term use of dark hair-dye and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. According to the study, dark hair-dye increased their chance of developing the form of cancer by 40 percent. The risk reportedly doubled among women who used permanent hair-dye.
Dr. Aubrey Hampton believes that hair is alive but that the use of bad chemicals will actually kill hair. He also believes that people can actually go bald from using chemicals even when there is no family pattern of hereditary baldness. Dr. Hampton believes that it is important for all consumers to read product labels and avoid buying products that contain chemicals because many times cosmetic and hair care companies will camouflage the truth of what they use in their products.
Another problem with analyzing hair coloring products is the confusing array of strangely named ingredients. Plus even industry experts comment regarding ending up with something other than the exact shade that is shown on the box, "Don't think the color on the box is the color you'll get," says Freier, a cosmetology instructor. "There are so many variables, like what chemicals are already in your hair and what your natural color is, that go into how your hair will turn out." The controversy has raged on for years. The stronger hair/chemical lobby has prevailed many times to swamp the outcries of the smaller, more conservative ‘natural’ ingredient manufacturers.
Several decades ago, the hair dye folks knew that the main ingredient in the coal-tar hair dyes manufactured at the time prompted an allergic reaction in some susceptible individuals. Fearing the FDA would ban the sale of hair dyes because some users might develop a rash or have other allergic reactions, the industry successfully lobbied Congress to pass an act to get coal-tar hair dyes exempted from the adulteration provision. Most hair dyes in use today have ingredients from petroleum sources, but have been considered exempt coal-tar dyes by FDA because they contain some of the same compounds found in those older dyes. As long as manufacturers included a warning in the labels that the products could cause skin irritation in certain allergic individuals, they could slide by on the rest.
Good News!!! Although dark colored strong permanent hair colors may be dangerous to your health, nonpermanent vegetable based dyes or henna of any kind have not been proven to be carcinogenic. The Food and Drug Administration issued a monograph that approved henna for this use. Henna is also the most economical way to color your hair. Per treatment, henna is substantially less expensive than any of the chemical treatments. Henna applications also tend to last longer, so you need to purchase a new kit less often. Most people find that using henna products can reduce their annual hair coloring costs by as much as two-thirds.
Hair Color Solutions
Finally . . . there is healthy relief for those “Gray Hair Blues”. Whether your hair is all silver, or just starting to gray, or simply in need of some "cheering up" with highlights, at last you can enjoy looking younger without feeling guilty about sacrificing health. And that can now be accomplished in minutes!
Long awaited for, comes a hair color and highlighter, custom made in the USA, from 100% premium herbs, called Silver To Gold™. Originally developed for those fighting cancer or other immune challenges, purity was the major concern. Four years were spent developing and testing Silver To Gold™ before bringing it to market.
With carefully controlled herbal ratios the process takes whatever gray hair you have and turns it to blond. The degree of color is controlled by how many minutes it is left on - from light blond, to golden blond, to strawberry blond, to coppery blond. Unlike most henna products that can take hours, Silver To Gold™ is generally applied for less than 15 minutes. Depending on your lifestyle it can last 1-2 months or more and fades in a gradual way like sun-drenched highlights.
It compliments all hair color and ethnicity. It is especially unique in that it colors only the gray hair, while highlighting any other shades left from one’s original color, yielding a more blended natural look. And it is so gentle you can even perm. Silver To Gold™ is henna based and therefore nourishes the hair shaft to add thickness and shine along with the other herbs included that benefit the hair.
It’s also ideal for men including beards, mustaches and chest hair. Happily, it can take years off one’s appearance.
Thank you for using our product!
Morpho Butterfly, Costa Rica